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Here's what you need to know

As a company, Compasswebinnov has created a culture that draws individuals of high skill levels; individuals who are passionate about understanding and resolving implementation issues for our clients, while being passionate about what they do.

At Compasswebinnov, we make sure that the project is well planned so that it doesn't deviate from its intended aims and that the customer receives a clear definition of the project, is aware of its status, and has quick access to project deliverables at any time .

We use the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) approach, which takes care of the requirements for quality control at each stage of the development cycle. Our quality assurance team has created a targeted quality control checklist.

Up until the appropriate documentation is given, a project is not considered finished. We consider it to be part of our professional obligation to deliver code that is well-documented. Additionally, it enables us to improve functionality in upcoming projects as needed by the client.

Our Project Information System is open around-the-clock and contains all project information, including requirements, design documents, user documentation, tasks, and defects. To give the Client a single point of contact, each Project also has a part-time Project Manager assigned to it. The project manager's duty to update the client is one of their main duties.

The Client owns all rights to the work. This covers any materials the Compasswebinnov team creates throughout the project, such as source code, binaries, and documentation. This entire list is included in the delivery to the client.

Contact Information

Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859
Sit Rd, Azusa New York

We're Available 24/7. Call Now. (888) 456-2790 (121) 255-53333